Hermeneutics was first a method for interpreting sacred texts,
essentially Biblical texts. Later, it covered the interpretation of
literary texts and texts in general, and finally as it stand today, it
is a philosophical method that deals with the interpretation of the
historical, social, psychological, etc., aspects of our world.
It is called a method because it is a manner or mode, a systematic way
to approach a topic of inquiry. Hermeneutics as a philosophical method
seeks to examine the bases that structure the different aspects of our
world and to lay bare their presuppositions.
What we propose to do in this journal of applied hermeneutics is to take
the position delineated by don Juan Matus, a Yaqui Indian sorcerer from
Mexico, and to describe the way which he and other sorcerers like
himself interpreted the social, historical, psychological, etc., aspects
of their world.
Thus our intention to emphasize the sorcerers' idea of practicality as
opposed to the purely abstract reflection of a philosophical method;
hence, our proposal to call it a journal of applied hermeneutics.
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